Campfire Cinnamon Buns

Looking to change up your camping snacks from the usual s’mores? Try these ooey-gooey campfire cinnamon buns! Simple, delicious with only two ingredients!

Campfire Cinnamon Bun Directions

Build a campfire and let it burn down to hot coals. The cinnamon buns will not cook evenly if they are roasted over an open flame.

Open your can of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls and carefully separate the rolls from each other

Place the rolls onto your roasting stick and roast over embers, rotating frequently so they are cooked through. This can take 8-12 minutes.

Once cooked, remove them from heat and let them cool before removing them from roasting sticks.

Enjoy your campfire cinnamon buns!

What You Need

  • 1 can of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls
  • Choice of frosting
  • Roasting sticks

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